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The first code of conduct that we adhere to is the one set out for us by loving Father in Heaven in His Holy Word, the Bible. All our learners must learn the Ten Commandments and apply them to their daily living habits.


A. The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:2-17 NKJV)


1  “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no

    other gods before Me.


2  “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the

    earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord

    your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of

    those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments.


3  “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name

    in vain.


4  “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the seventh day is

    the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male

    servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord

    made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord

    blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.


5  “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your

     God is giving you.


6  “You shall not murder.


7  “You shall not commit adultery.


8  “You shall not steal.


9  “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.


10 “You shall not covet your neighbour’s house; you shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his

     female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbour’s.”







  • educational facilities and resources necessary for effective learning.

  • be taught in a clean, safe and orderly environment.

  • be taught each lesson in an atmosphere conducive to learning-and free from interruptions by other learners.

  • be treated as an individual, enjoying the respect of others, and treated in a fair and dignified manner.

  • be able to express themselves, to ask questions and be heard.

  • be taught in a disciplined environment in which punishment is fair and consistent.

  • be recognised for their achievements.

  • a balanced education which prepares them adequately for life after school.

  • the democratic right to due process and to have their views heard.




Learner’s should:

  • accept the code of conduct of the school, obey all school rules and regulations, and so enhance the school as a place for ordered and orderly learning

  • attend school in the correct uniform, be neat in appearance, and have the correct equipment

  • ensure that books, desks and all school equipment and property, and the property of others, are treated with respect

  • attend school and classes regularly, be punctual, respect the rights of others to learn in a learning environment and complete homework and class assignments

  • be responsible for their actions, respect others, not interfering with their right to a good education, and respect authority

  • be Involved fully in the sporting and cultural activities of the school and meet all obligations in this regard

  • keep the environment clean and generally have pride in the school, so enhancing its name.






Educators should:

  • be able to teach in a safe, orderly environment in which the necessary materials and equipment are provided and maintained.

  • Expect learners to be prepared for lessons, having completed all homework assignments

  • Expect learners to be punctual, courteous and respectful

  • Be treated fairly and be respected as professional persons

  • Be supported by parents and colleagues and receive the support of those in authority

  • Be able to teach without unnecessary Interruption

  • Enjoy privacy in their private lives, with the assurance that their personal property at school will be respected




Educators must

  • Be punctual, be professional in appearance and approach, and provide an environment which is conducive to effective learning.

  • Be well prepared for each lesson, teaching effectively

  • Maintain a clean, disciplined and safe environment in the classroom

  • Be consistent and fair, and sensitive to the needs of learners

  • Treat learners as Individuals, respecting their rights, and encouraging each leaner to reach his/her full potential in all spheres of school life

  • Guide learners, help them to identify problems that they have, and help them to resolve such problems

  • Communicate with parents and keep them informed of the progress of learners

  • Keep up to date with developments In education, In the learning areas taught and in the teaching theories

  • Set the correct example as a professional person and provide learners with life skills

  • Keep up to date with all administrative duties and attend all official school functions

  • Be punctual, professional and well prepared for extra-mural and other duties






Parents/Guardians expect from the school

  • educators who are well qualified and competent to teach

  • a school that respects cultural diversities and which is non-discriminatory

  • educators who are professional in their approach to their work and who set and maintain correct standards

  • the promotion of high moral standards and good ethics, with learners being taught in a disciplined environment that is conducive to learning

  • that their children receive a well-balanced education and that they will be treated fairly and as individuals

  • support from approachable educators who communicate with parents on work and behaviour problems




Parents / Guardians should

  • support and encourage their children in their involvement in all spheres of school life

  • ensure that pupils attend school regularly, that they are correctly dressed, are properly equipped and are punctual

  • support the school, the staff, the code of conduct and school rules, and ensure that their children do likewise

  • inform the school of any problem areas and communicate with individual learners where this is necessary or desirable in the appropriate manner

  • pay school fees on time

  • fetch their children on time after school functions, and attend official school functions such as PTA meetings



This list is intended as a basic guide to conduct for the Advance for Life Christian Academy learner. No list of rules can cover every situation, and the school reserves the right to change the rules. Policies may be changed at the discretion of the principal. Where applicable, rules apply not only during the school day and on school grounds, but also during co-curricular or other school-related activities, or any time on or off school grounds, when the student is in uniform or representing Advance for Life Christian Academy, for example, when riding the bus, taxi or train to school or driving or walking through the neighborhood.




  • The School Rules must be adhered to in order to ensure that the school’s name is not brought into disrepute or discredited.

  • Learners are expected at all times to behave in a way which brings credit to the school.

  • Learners are expected to be courteous and honest at all times.

  • When a learner has joined an extra-mural activity he/she shall fulfil his/her obligations and carry out his/her responsibilities in that activity.

  • All learners must behave in a responsible, sensible and tolerant manner.

  • Each learner must show respect to him/herself, peers, staff, visitors and the environment.

  • No form of intimidation; sexual, political or otherwise is allowed.

  • Where learners are identified as students of AFLCA, then they are accountable for their actions even if the activity is an out-of-school one, including an’ listed in specific conduct and behaviour which would bring the school into disrepute.

  • Non-discrimination and equality.

  • Privacy, respect and dignity. :Non-violence and the freedom and security of a person.

  • Have a clean and safe environment that is conducive to education.

  • Education

  • Commit to do the school work assigned to them without disruption.

  • Protect and carefully use all the facilities and equipment so that others who come after them can enjoy the privilege.

  • Attend school regularly during school hours.

  • Learn and develop their full potential, i.e. academic, occupational, social, sport, spiritual, artistic and cultural potential.

  • Trust and respect their educators.

  • Select the Learners’ Representative Council, which should represent the interests and views of the learners within the school.

  • Learners must attend school for the whole of the prescribed school day.

  • No learner may leave the school premises without permission from the Head or Deputies.

  • If learners need to leave school during the prescribed school day, a letter from parents or legal guardians

  • must be presented to the Head or Deputies who may give permission and issue a card. Parent/

  • Guardian must sign learners out on the school’s register.

  • Punctuality is essential at all times. Late arrivals at school must report to the Secretaries’ office.

  • Learners who have taken ill during school hours must consult either the Headmaster or Deputy in charge of their Grade.



Violations include, but are not limited to...


1.  Alcohol, tobacco or drug use, possession, or distribution.


Alcohol, tobacco or drug use, possession, or distribution is a serious violation of the Code of Conduct. Consequences are designed to assist the student to overcome alcohol or drug use problems while ensuring the safety of other students and the integrity of the school environment. Advance For Life Christian Academy reserves the right to administer or require urine or breath tests for alcohol or drug use when there is reasonable suspicion of use, Refusal or attempts to tamper with the results of a drug or alcohol test when requested by school administration will result in suspension or possible expulsion from school. Students using tobacco, alcohol or drugs at school or any school activity will result in suspension or possible expulsion from school. Distribution of alcohol, tobacco or drugs, possession of alcohol or drugs, on school property or at any school sponsored event or activity will result in expulsion from Advance For Life Christian Academy.


Because Advance For Life Christian Academy expects students to exhibit exemplary conduct at all time, not just during the school hours, the school will also intervene when students are suspected of using alcohol, tobacco or drugs outside of school and school activities. This includes a student’s presence at a gathering where other minors are using alcohol or drugs. In most cases these students will be referred to appropriate counseling or treatment, will be required to sign a no-use contract in order to continue at Advance For Life Christian Academy.


​2.  Dishonesty.


Dishonesty includes lying or withholding information in order to protect oneself from consequences, to gain unearned privileges, or to cause trouble for another person.


3.  Endangering the safety of self or others.


Endangering the safety of self or others is can be a serious violation of the Code of Conduct and includes but is not limited to can include throwing any object or food, disregarding classroom safety rules, driving recklessly, or engaging in any activity with an unnecessary risk of injury to self or others.


4.  Excessive public displays of affection.


Excessive public displays of affection beyond a handshake or quick hug may be distracting and embarrassing to others and are not appropriate in the school setting.


5.  Fighting or unwanted physical contact.


Fighting or unwanted physical contact of any kind and for any reason at Advance For Life Christian Academy or by a Advance For Life Christian Academy learner anywhere in the community is a serious violation of the Code of Conduct. Any pushing, shoving, wrestling, slapping, punching, or the like, even in jest, is dangerous and disrespectful and may escalate into a fight. Students engaging in fights or other unwanted physical contact will be sent immediately to the principal’s office. Learners being harassed or provoked should seek assistance from a prefect or teacher and should never attempt to use violence or threats to stop the harassment. Learners who instigate or encourage fighting or fail to get adult help if a fight occurs are also liable for disciplinary consequences.


6.  Inappropriate language or gestures.


Inappropriate language or gestures includes but is not limited to profanity or rudeness to peers, school personnel, or others whether verbally, nonverbally, in writing, via the Internet or text messaging.


7.  Racist, sexist, or other abusive language.


Racist, sexist, or other abusive language is always offensive, even when spoken in jest, whether or not the target of such language openly objects to it.


8.  Sexual harassment.


Sexual harassment, hazing, or other harassment is a serious violation of the Code of Conduct. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal and physical conduct of a sexual nature when such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s school performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. Such conduct may be directed at either males or females. School administration will determine whether the behavior is intimidating, hostile, offensive, or interferes with school performance after an investigation including interviews with the perpetrator and recipient, as well as, any witnesses to the behavior. Confidentiality of all parties will be respected to the extent consistent with a thorough investigation.


9.  Bullying or Internet crimes.


Bullying is an act of repeated aggressive behavior in person or through some form of communication including technology in order to intentionally hurt another person. Behaviors may include: verbal or written abuse, harassment through technology, physical abuse or coercion. Bullying includes but is not limited to: taunting and teasing, shoving, poking, slapping, choking, stabbing, pulling hair, scratching, biting, pinching or criticism. Inappropriate language or gestures includes but is not limited to: profanity or rudeness to peers, school personnel, or others whether verbally, nonverbally, in writing, via the Internet, text messaging or other communication devices.


10.  Weapons or threats of violence.


Weapon possession or use of any object as a weapon including but not limited to laser pointers at school or a school activity is a serious violation of the Code of Conduct. Personal accessories which imply violence, such as spiked collars or bracelets, heavy chains, gang-related apparel and the like, are also forbidden and will be confiscated if brought to school or school activities. Affiliation with a gang, defined as a group whose major purpose is the commission of crime, is also a serious violation of the Code of Conduct.


11.  Insubordination.


Insubordination - Willful disrespect, defiance, or disobedience including failure to comply with a request from any staff member of Advance For Life Christian Academy is considered insubordinate behavior and will result in disciplinary action.



Violations include, but are not limited to…


12.  Attendance, Absence from a class, assembly, or assigned study time without excuse.


Absence from school, a class, assembly, or assigned study time without excuse lessens the student’s learning time and creates a safety risk. Students may miss school, a class, assembly, or assigned study period, only with written authorization from the Principals’ Office. Absences for authorized school activities or absences which are medically required and authorized by a physician are exempt from this rule. A physician’s authorization should be brought to the principals’ office within 24 hours of the student’s return to school. The school strongly encourages families to schedule doctor appointments and the like for after-school hours and to plan travel for school holidays. When this is impossible, families should get the necessary written permission from the principals’ office. Teachers may include participation as part of a student’s grade. Class absence, regardless of the reason, may impact the participation and attendance portion of the grade.


13.  Excessive absences.


Excessive absences may affect a student’s academic standing. Two (2) unexcused absences from any class or study period will result in a failing grade for the quarter. Additionally, Excessive Absences from any class or assembly, whether excused or unexcused, may result in no credit for that class for the quarter. Without prior authorization from the Principals’ Office, the student will receive a failing grade for more than six (6) absences in a quarter from any class or study time. Absences for authorized school activities or absences which are medically required and authorized by a physician are exempt from this rule.


14.  Cheating.


Cheating, or any form of academic dishonesty, is a serious violation of the Code of Conduct. Cheating includes but is not limited to copying homework assignments, copying test or quiz answers, using “crib” notes during a test, or plagiarizing (presenting another person’s ideas or words as one’s own, including work taken from the Internet). Students found cheating will be reported to the Principals' Office and parents will be notified. The student will receive a zero on the assignment. Consequences will increase for repeated or serious instances of cheating which may include suspension or expulsion.


15.  Disruptive or inattentive behavior in class, assemblies, or anywhere in the school.


Disruptive or inattentive behavior in class or assemblies is disrespectful to peers and presenters.  Learners are expected to remain awake and attentive and not to disturb or distract others during classes, assemblies, and assigned study time. The use of cell phones, personal listening devices including but not limited to iPods, MP3’s, electronic games, and other “toys” are not permitted during the school day. If a student is using one of these items, it will be confiscated. Confiscated items may be collected from the principal's office at the end of the school week. A repeat confiscation will be kept for the term.


16.  Prohibited Items.


To ensure the safety of others and their freedom from distraction, the use of cell phones, personal listening devices including but not limited to iPods, MP3’s, electronic games, and other “toys” including skate boards and game boys are not permitted during the school day. If a learner is using one of these items, it will be confiscated. Confiscated items may be collected from the principal's office at the end of the school week. A repeat confiscation will be kept for the term. Learners are advised that Advance For Life Christian Academy is not liable for valuable personal property and students should not bring such items to school.


17.  Failure to comply with disciplinary consequences in a timely manner.


Failure to complete disciplinary consequences in a timely manner is a separate and more serious violation of the Code of Conduct than the original offense. Failure to do so by the deadline will result in further disciplinary actions. Repeat violators will be liable for expulsion.


18.  Coming late for school, class, assembly, or assigned study time.


Coming late for school, class, assembly, or assigned study time is a distraction to other students, is disrespectful to the teacher and causes the tardy student to miss important information. Learners are to report to school by no later than 07H30. Learners who are late must check in at the  office before going to class so that the school knows they are present for the day. Failure to do so, or arriving late to school without a legitimate excuse from a parent/guardian, will result in detention or other consequences. Learners will be marked late by the teacher if they arrive at class after the five minutes into the period. Teachers will notify the principals’ office if a student is repeatedly or excessively late. Leaving a class or assembly before dismissal by the teacher will be treated in a similar matter.


19.  Uniform or grooming code violations.


Uniform or grooming code violations negate the value of uniforms for the whole school. Uniforms strengthen the school community by placing emphasis on the internal qualities that make each learner unique, as well as lending a professional atmosphere to the classroom. These effects are lost if the uniform standards are not strictly followed by each learner. Uniform and personal grooming standards are outlined below and may be revised annually. Students will not be allowed to attend class until uniform and grooming code violations are corrected.



We are proud of the reputation our learners have for their neat appearance. Whether at school, on the sports field, on tour or at any public function, we encourage an awareness of correct dress.




* should be neatly groomed

* must not touch ears or be long enough to be pulled over the ears

* must be tapered down to nape of neck and off collar

* fringes pulled down must be above eyebrows

* no styles are permitted - shaved heads, perms, tails, spiked hair, patterns or palm-tree (short sides with long

  overhanging top)

* sideburns are not permitted below middle line of ear

* no gel extension or dreadlocks

* natural colour only - no dyed or streaked hair

* face cleanly shaven


* no jewellery may be worn apart from a watch

* at least one button on the blazer should be fastened





 * must be tied up if reaches collar

* fringes must be neat and no "curtains" are allowed.

* natural colour only - no dyed or streaked hair

* no brightly colored ribbons, alice bands or scrunchies

* Slides - silver, gold or tortoiseshell only

* no gel extension or dreadlocks


 * plain studs or sleepers - small

* only one in each ear

* must be worn in ear lobe


Girls are not allowed to wear the following:

* any jewellery other than ear-rings listed above

* make-up, including lip gloss

* coloured nail varnish

* skirts not worn above the knees



Violations include, but are not limited to…


20.  Being in off-limits areas of the school grounds.


Being in off-limits areas makes learners impossible to supervise. Hallways, stairways, and foyers are off limits. The parking lot, front lawn, and front steps are off limits at all times during the school day.


21.  Eating or drinking, or chewing gum in class.


 Eating, drinking, or chewing gum is NOT permitted during class time. Chewing gum is prohibited anywhere in the building at any time.


22.  Defacing or damaging property.


No learner shall willfully deface or otherwise damage property, real or personal, belonging to the school or any member of the school community. Defacing or damaging property may include, but is not limited to, writing on desks or lockers, placing stickers anywhere in the building, sitting on tables, standing on chairs, or otherwise using items in ways which are not intended and which can result in damage or excessive wear.


23.  Leaving the school grounds during the school day without written release from the principals’ office.


Leaving the school grounds during the school day without written permission can be a serious violation of the Code of Conduct. Learners must remain on the school grounds from the beginning to the end of the school day. Leaving campus under any circumstances without clearance from the Principals’ Office will result in disciplinary action and possible drug or alcohol testing.


24.  Littering or wasting resources.


Littering or wasting resources includes failure to pick up after oneself in the playground or elsewhere in the building, littering in the neighborhood, or excessive or unnecessary use of school printers or other resources.


25.  Theft.


THEFT IS A SERIOUS VIOLATION OF THE CODE OF CONDUCT and should be reported immediately to the Principal. A learner caught stealing is liable for automatic expulsion with no earned return. The school is not liable for lost or stolen items. Students should use reasonable caution by leaving valuable items at home and permanently labeling books, calculators, and other items needed at school.




  • Ask permission before getting out of your seat.

  • Have all materials ready to start class. (no learner will be allowed out of class to retrieve materials)

  • Learners are requested to go to the bathroom before class begins. Passes will be given only in the case of an emergency.

  • Leave all cosmetics, sprays, fragrant lotions, brushes, combs, etc. in your bag.

  • Sharpen pencils before class begins.

  • Absolutely no gum is allowed.

  • Learners are responsible for all information written on the board and all notes given in class.

  • Keep all books neatly packed away.

  • Anyone caught cheating will receive a zero on the assignment and be reported to the Principal.

  • Illegible or “messy” papers will not be accepted

  • Any student caught working on assignments for another class will have their work confiscated and destroyed.

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